Sunday, February 11, 2007


Today I stand as a graduate in Nikko Hotel. As it is I’m annoyed that my second brother did not attend the graduation! As a substitute we took my cousin Angel for it. Everything was great. The family photo I planned for was cancelled and I took an individual one. Met some of my classmates but they just ignored me. End of the day I don’t care what others think or feel or say for I’m proud to say I’ve graduated despite the hardship I went through in getting my certificate. My mother hugged me and kissed me in so much adoration. It was as if she was in a trans. I know she was very proud of me. My dad was totally speechless only trying to hint to me that he wants to take more pictures with me.

I was sure my mum was in a Trans when she gave me the green light to do my Masters. She somehow came out of it while we were driving home saying “your next plan is to reduce weight, find a boy and get married and THEN you can do your Masters!” Very typical of my mum I thought.

Anyway I was glad to have met my Vice Chancellor finally. I would comment that he was damn cute for an old man with great sense of humour. I was also surprised that the graduation was not only for my college but 7 other colleges too. My eyes were just drooling all over for there were many cute guys! Anyway back to the vice chancellor. He shared with us a very nice meaningful story that I thought I’d share here with you guys. Here it goes…..

Once a professor took an empty jar and filled it with rocks till the jar was full and then asked his students if the jar was full. The students all nodded their head in agreement. The professor later brought some small pebbles and filled the jar, again asking the students if the jar was full, they just nodded in agreement. Finally the professor brought some sand and filled the jar saying “It is only now the jar is truly full”. The moral of the story is that the jar resembles our life. The stones are actually the important things and people in our life such as our parents, spouses, girlfriend, boyfriend, siblings, friends and food just to name a few. The pebbles are the other important things in our life such as job, education and house for example. While the sand talks more on the entertainment side of life. In our life, if we look after our stones - look after our family by spending time with them and also by making them the priority in our lives then you’ll see the love and support they bring will just bring in the pebbles and sand to make your life full.

Just then a student opened a can of beer and poured the beer in the jar and then said “It is actually only now that the jar is truly full”. The real moral of this story is that, no matter how busy in life, a can of beer will always fill your life!

You all have a nice day…………..


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