Wednesday, January 24, 2007

No idea what this post is all about

I’m traveling home now and I would say I’m rather late for today. Guess I can’t complain much that I’m blessed with a job while many people with higher qualifications and experiences are jobless out there. This young couple in front of me captures my thoughts for now. I know for sure that they are not married nor are they engaged. The girl is having her ice-cream while the guy is on the phone. Shortly she started showing her teeth to her other half while he replies “nah, you’re alright”, and she continues licking her McDonalds ice-cream. They were rather cute I would say but the question that’s leaving a big question mark in my mind is “how long you think this would last?”

Sorry to be very negative thinking here. For all we might know they could end up together but still it’s a question mark in my head. I have many friends who are divorced, married but not happy whom I call them MBA’s and some does not even want to consider commitment either because they feel they’ve grown that old or simply because they are all afraid of commitment.

I wish I can tell the single and afraid ones that I’m available but I think its best not to appear desperate but actually the person is. Anyway that’s complicated so let’s get back to the initial story…….

I look at it this way… two people madly in love, gets married, has kids and one day when everything is suppose to fall right in place suddenly BAM!!, takes the ‘tornado’ turn! Love which seems like a blossoming garden suddenly is equalized as the Sahara desert. Could the desert bloom a garden in it again? I guess that answer will depend on how deep the wound is! I guess this is one of the reasons the elderly experienced people always advice us to never ever trust our spouse or other half till the very end of their lives or your life!

Divorce I believe is equally as bad as loosing the one you love before marriage. A friend calls me a cynic to love. She says she senses my hate, annoyance, irritating and jealousy whenever I’m surrounded with couples. Seriously I feel that I’m normally but she doesn’t. For all those who go through a bad relationship before marriage I believe is considered blessed for they have not really lost everything. I wonder why I posted this now… I must be missing my ex I guess……


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