Monday, January 08, 2007

My Saturday (Again)

I can’t believe my long written blog about my Saturday just vanished into cyber space. Who am I to blame? Is it the cyber world or the earthquake in Taiwan? I guess I’ll just have to blame myself for having over confidence on this unreliable system. So here I am rewriting everything. Hopefully it is as good as or better than the previous post.

So it’s Saturday and everyone is asleep but I’m stuck at work. It’s already sad enough that we don’t get paid anything to work but I guess some things just never change! Work is Work and whether you like it or not you just got to DO! So I worked my ass off till about 4.00pm. At 4.15 my dad picked me up and we drove to Banting for my niece’s 21st Birthday function. I’m 28 this year and I have a big niece!!! Gee it didn’t strike me in the beginning but it does now. Well anyway Karen is my cousin’s daughter. The whole thing is just so cute. I have other nieces and nephews. The cutest part of it all is that all of them call me either Chitti (mother’s sister) or Athai (father’s sister). A part of me becomes old at that point of time but I did not mind one bit because I feel like I’m respected and love. I know it all sounds too weird but I guess it’s just a nice fuzzy feeling I have. The food was great, the music and the people were all just great. My cousin really did pull up a great gathering for his daughter I would say. I will admit there were many cute guys… but sad no one my age!! All thambis (younger brothers) la… Cheh!! Sad Sad… hehehe Anyway that’s what cuci mata is all about right?

Overall I will say that my niece who is taller than me looked great with her black gown. She looked really pretty! I have a picture of me and her. For now it will be on my friendster account since blogging picture’s here is a little too complicated for me. Anyway I shall try my level best. It was good to see my other cousin’s boyfriend attending family functions. I guess Sandy is now officially announced to be a part of the family since my aunty and uncle have officially announced that Sandy will be the future son in law! I’m so happy for them both. It’s cute that I learnt a secret about Sandy from my cousin. It seems he snores a lot. Hehehe I told them I’ll get them a muffler as a wedding present. He was annoyed but in a rather cute way.

Next week Saturday I’ll be in Klang for the 100th year celebration of St.Barnabas church. What happens then will be another blog.

I got home at 10.30pm on Saturday. It was a nice great outing with my cousins and loved ones. Can’t wait for next week’s gathering!

Cheers all…


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